10:47 pm

Evil ones

UPDATE 19.03.2005
It wasn't 500 people arrested in Spain. I was scanning thruogh my blog when I realised it read that way. It was 500 people arrested across something like 9 countries spanning Europe and South American. The Spanish police co-ordinated and arrested a mere 20+ people in Spain itself, if I remember correctly. Apologies


Pedophiles are evil. Evil I say!

I have extremely strong views on people who abuse children. And when I came across this article on how a police operation in Spain successfully arrested 500 people over their evil pedo interests, I cheered in my heart. Cheered, I tell you.

I will probably never have kids myself. But I do embrace the idea that the kids that do exist deserve to be protected from predators, deserve to have a happy childhood, deserve to have the love and care they require, derserve to BE kids.

Good. May all pedos rot for their heinous crimes.