11:10 am

WTF - smoking ban coming up

As if it's not enough to tax ciggies and bleed us through the nostrils, there will be additional places where one cannot smoke soon? This, for me, is a definite WhatTheFuck moment. Do you have any idea how much money the government makes in taxes on ciggies? Now I (and countless others) are to be squeezed out of public places? Just take the fucking money and let us do what we want with our lives!

Now look see - I can well understand smoking bans on public places like pubs (I don't club anymore. heh), bus-stops (I always stand to the corner) and coffeeshops (ok, ciggie smoke + food isn't good, I understand). Ok. Fine. I'm cool with that.

But WTF? As quoted from Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Environment and Water Resources; in his reply to MPs :

" 'In the long run, the ministry's intent is to do away with the need for an exhaustive list and move towards allowing smoking only in private premises, wide open spaces and designated areas,' he said. "

Emphasis mine.
This sounds like NYC and Tokyo. Bordering on the absurd.

WTF indeed.