10:11 pm

World paedophile register closer

What do you mean closer?
Get off yer arses and pool your resources! Gawddanggit, there are kids suffering out there!

And I don't mind saying that my own bloody country, Singapore, is one of the culprits. Jesus, bastards going over to Batam for sex with 12-14 year old girls. And the Govt sticks it's thumb up it's ass, twiddles it, and says it will moniter the situation. The only thing being done right now is by the SG arm of the UN's Development Fund for Women.

Crap. I could go on but I don't feel like bloody ranting, tonight.


Anonymous said...

http://www.iabolish.com/ has good information how one can help end the trafficing of young children to become sex slaves. It is horrible what some peopel do out there in world.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

yeah - it's terribly sad what people will do sometimes!