1:36 pm

Couldn't. let. it. go. :o oohmigawd!

Was supposed to go to bed
Am tired.
So tired that my left knee's giving way when I climb stairs. lol

That's always been a clear sign... my body talks to me in unequivocal terms when it needs the bed. But by gods, I found something and just HAD to share it with you : it's stupid quotes from Famous People. Here, let them entertain you....

Britney Spears
"I've never really wanted to go to Japan. Simply because I don’t like eating fish. And I know that's very popular out there in Africa"

Sylvester Stallone
"The only happy artist is a dead artist, because only then you can't change. After I die, I'll probably come back as a paintbrush."

Alicia Silverstone
"I think that the film "Clueless" was very deep. I think it was deep in the way that it was very light. I think lightness has to come from a very deep place if it's true lightness."

Brooke Shields
"Smoking kills, and if you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."

R. Kelly
"All of a sudden you're like the Bin Laden of America. Osama Bin Laden is the only one who knows what I'm going through."
(This was of his child porn charges. Fucktard. If you do children, you ARE scum.)

Arnold Schwarzenegger
"I think that gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman."

Paris Hilton
"I don't really think, I just walk."

And *I* am speechless. Tickled, but speechless.

11:54 am

Idle ramblings. Oh, and kitties, of course!

Oh my.


Ok, I have to explain. I think blondes are kinda cute. Natural blondes, I mean. There's something pretty fascinating to me, a natural dark-haired-almost-black asian, about those faint eyebrows, that skin, those freckles, that straw coloured hair! I used to work for a Dutch boss who was so fair/pale, his eyebrows all but faded into his forehead. Wow. That's blond. But they normally don't do it for me.

Not until, that is, some blond man holds cats in his arms! Bwahahahahha! KITTIES!


*composes oneself*

Seriously, the flooding in the midwest was shocking. We got report after report even here in Singapore. And it was sad, so sad... Singaporeans are complaining about rising petrol prices. Rising food prices. Everything's rising. Help us! Give us government handouts like the West!

Hello? You can bloody afford to get fancy flat screen TVs on hire purchase so you don't deserve any help. You have your home, you have your job, you have your health, you live in a country with no fear of natural disasters. Enough! You're not bloody suffering, you arse! But enough of the ranting..... back to the topic at heart! The ultimate accessory is a kitty!

Just had a thought.. Jens needs to read the post. lol. Ich liebe die kitties!

11:06 am

Hhhmmmm. I wonder...

Heck, we had the Brazilian footie team in Singapore.
My god.
And they played a choice of Singaporean footie players....

Naturally! We lost! Singapore is not a soccer powerhouse by any stretch of the imagination :o

But heck, we didn't lose by a lot. The final score was 3-0. I thought we'd lose to the Samba players by, like, a gazllion hundred squillion to nought.

Bet the Brazilions didn't break a sweat though....

12:49 am

A new one!

I'm going to put forward a new hypothesis :

That whatever you want, when you want it, will lie in the deepest, farthest, most recessed bloody crevice of your bag. Happens to me all the bloody time. Like today, on the way to work.

I want one piece of tissue. One. Singular. Uno. ONE. I'm sitting in a cab, bag on my lap. My questing fingers encounter
- my novel
- wallet
- mobile phone pouch
- unopened tissue packet
- hair scrunchy
- second unopened tissue packet
- phone headset wires
- staff pass
- water bottle

Argh! After the entire contents of my bag! About time!
And no, I'm not going to open the first packet of tissue I find. Its terrible. If I have 4 packets of tissue, I'll end up with 4 open packets! That'll irk me till kindgom come....

Long live anal retentives! lol. woo!

6:51 am


I couldn't stop laughing at this one.

I would LOVE to be this obnoxious one day! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA

It's been a few days already and I keep on coming back to this pic. I keep on laughing. I love them kitty feets!

2:28 am

Men are from Mars

And they work unearthly hours too.

This is for all the women who struggle to understand
why men tie their self worth in with their jobs. This is an oversimplification, but it's worth a read if you've ever wondered.

I got a glimpse of this, over the years, from the different men I'd dated. When in corporate, date corporate! lol And oh boy, date I did. Some conversations linger, some perceptions were coloured, and all by extremely ambitious, high flying men. I learnt on their collective laps, one might say.

I'm gratreful for the experiences. Embrace the differences!

1:48 am

Bored at work, so....

.... I am rediscovering FARK.

There once was a pris'ner in Gitmo
Who didn't talk and got hit mo'
When charges were pressed
The judge was distressed
And said torturers were full of shiatmo


7:42 am

Here we go again

Doh! You fool!

SINGAPORE, July 18 - A Singapore court has charged an Australian journalist for drug-related offences that could see him jailed up to 20 years and caned 15 times if convicted, court documents showed on Friday.

Peter Lloyd, a senior journalist with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, was charged with possessing and selling about 1 gram of methamphetamine for S$100 to a Singaporean, court documents said.

Punishment for drug possession is a jail term of up to 10 years and a S$20,000 fine, while the penalty for drug trafficking is 20 years imprisonment and 15 strokes of the cane.

Yes, that's what it's like in Singapore... you bring drugs in, you're pretty much dicing with death or it's equivalent.

Oh, we look out for those that traffic wholesale. We're close to the
Golden Triangle after all, so we're nothing if not FANATICAL about drugs passing through Singapore. We may close one eye on weed (I had a friend who used to smuggle in a wee patch during business trips for personal consumption) but if you get caught SELLING, holy shit you're fucked.

And I mean Majorly Fucked.

You think I am being extravagant in my description? Under our Misuse of Drugs Act, you'll be hung for bring in miniscule portions of certain drugs, for example : 15 grams of heroin, 30 grams of cocaine, 500 grams of cannabis or 250 grams of methamphetamines.

That's right. Hung by the neck until dead. We are FAMOUS for it. *snort*

As you enter Singaporean territory, our local airlines and ferries will announce that the death penalty is in force. Step into our immigration complexes and posters in lurid red will remind you NO DRUGS. Even your immigration card carries it.

There is no mistaking THAT warning.
And yet we get people who still try and sell.

*shakes head*

Hello? We are Singapore? Once we get something into our heads, it's pretty hard to try and hide it? There is, of course, the stupid mule side.... like the Mas Selemat case where complacency ruled the day. Complacency from the ground ALL the way up that had a lot of Singaporeans yelling.

But on drugs? When will these fools ever learn?

1:06 am

Man of God, and of rock.

No, not what you think - as in, I am your rock and your salvation.
Rather, it's about a man of the cloth, singing
heavy metal :o


Friar Cesare Bonizzi is 62, a
Capuchin friar, and he sure knows how to rock! See that up there? It says Fratello Metallo, which means Metal Brother :))

What a way to celebrate life! We need more people like him!

1:09 am

erm, a little help please?

Does anyone speak French? What does this mean?

Nom d'une bouilloier! Pourquoi est-ce que je suis hardiment ri sous cape à part les dieux?

Bear in mind... this is from Terry Pratchett, so no matter how silly the line sounds, tell me! Please? Oh pretty pretty please?

Thank you!

9:35 pm

Ohmigawd, are you sure?

Yes, that was my reaction to an article post on Reuters.
It's entitled "Job for BLIND air traffic controller "
Yes, you heard me.
This calls for a ZMOGWTF reaction lol.

Here, read it for yourself :)

Air traffic controller is a job which demands 20/20 vision - but that hasn't stopped airport bosses from advertising the job in Braille.

St Mary's airport on the Isles of Scilly claim they were forced to advertise the £36,000 job to blind people because of equal opportunity guidelines. The advert stated that all applicants must have excellent vision in order to guide aircraft safely into the hilltop airport, which is often fogbound.

But under this was the note: "If you require this document in an alternative language, in larger text, Braille, easy read or in an audio format, please contact the Community Relations Officer."

The Civil Aviation Authority say all air traffic controllers have to meet international standards and pass a medical, including a stringent eye test.

Doh! Don't fly to Scilly! lol

5:19 pm

I want a part III

Holy shit, you guys have got to see HellBoy II.

I caught it, just last night, midnight screening, at a bloody full house on a Thursday night. My god, don't people have to work? lol.

And I think I'll be going again soon. woo!

11:38 am

Wow - a stroke of luck!

I'm a little behind on my holidy savings. Planning to do a long-ish trip in Sept or Oct BUT it depends on one certain german gentleman...

Anyways. Money. And the lack thereof. Am on one week's leave because I refuse to work on my birthday. And the money that I had put aside for a wee beachside sojourn was spent on my new new phone. So family to the rescue!

Aunt has a timeshare thingie in the
Angsana Spa and Resort place on Bintan Island and in return, she gets 30 days free use of the room. Problem is, she doesn't go there often now. HHmmmmm.

A quick check, a few phone calls, and lo! a free room! yay! I have my holiday afterall! It'll only be for 3 days, as it's SUCH a last minute thingie. But I am going to be beachside in 2 hours. Aw yeah. I am leaving, like, in half an hour. And I have to pack!!

So. You lot be good. I'll be back on Thursday evening. With pictures!