1:47 pm


Well now - back home after a full night's work. No sleep this time, not for the wicked. And there was a showing of Constantine at 0930, half an hour after I got off from work. Oh yeah, timing could not be any better. Good call.

And it was.... ok, it was good. it wasn't a hollywood shoot-em-up. (okie, not really) But you know what? The premise of the movie seemed based on something I'd heard of before. That God had given man over to Satan in the 20th century for a Test. A Test to see if mankind was truely God's, inspite of all the trials, tribulations and temptations that were strewn in the way. And that is PRECISELY the wager covered in the movie.

And sure, it's Keanu Reeves, him in all his dead-pan delivery.

But I thought it worked, in this movie.

Oh, stop squealing......... and don't get me wrong.

I'm a non-practicing RC, heady religious stuff turns my head, and I haven't attended Mass in *years*. But man's desire to pursue the Highest Being can sometimes be interesting, yes?

Must be the lack of sleep.