4:54 pm

Of fuckwads and incompetents.....

I'm in a REALLY smouldering mood. This part time job I am doing is fucking me up REAL good. I thought I enjoyed it because I'm doing fuck-all in a brainless job at a dead-beat time of night (permanent night shift, I am!). And I really needed the break from corporate.

But fuck! Argh! There's this one TeamLeader who's a complete cunt of an idiot.

The more I'm exposed to people, the more I'm convinced that
a) I should really be considering becoming a hermit
b) That human kind is DEvolving.
c) Some managers can't wipe their asses by themselves if you engraved the fucking map on their fucking eyeballs.

I just wasted 4 hours waiting for my stupid timesheet to be signed. Waited. Day gone, thank you very fucking much. And I go back to work for my shift later on at 9PM. gggrrrrrrrrr........

Someone! Please! Just put me out of my misery!