3:12 am

Being Irish? Really?

I always get mixed feelings when St Pats Day cometh.

I'm Eurasian. I'm a Hogan. But the Hogans have been in SG a long, long time and I'm about 5th or 6th generation. Look at my pic on the profile - I look as Asian as they come.

And to make matters worse, whoever heard of an irish lass that doesn't drink? I don't. Gave up the alcohol a long time ago. I think the only thing Irish left in me is my temper. Heh.

I don't have any family traditions, food or many gatherings from the Hogan side. And my Mom is Chinese (she's a Boey), but we follow almost none of the Chinese rituals, mannerisms or characteristics. So what does that make me?

I'd like to think I'm nothing but Singaporean.