12:02 pm


I don't understand all the damned fuss that's happening over the proposed casino in Singapore. I REALLY don't bloody understand it. Why is it controversial? It doesn't have to be that way.

Look, you guys.
People will be people. Amongst other things, you will always get :
(1) people who will try and make a quick buck
(2) people who think other people cannot run their own lives
(3) a Govt that will always do what *it* thinks is right for the country.

Allow me to break it down for you.


You'll always get idiots who believe in a free lunch, yes? Or think money can be easy. yes... welll..... ain't never gonna happen. Money has to be worked for. Life is not easy, neither is money. If you think a casino is going to help you get rich, you're seriously living in an alternative reality. (or a fantasy world. or la-la land. Take your pick). If you persist in thinking that way, then you deserve whatever circumstance life ricochets back at you.

Yes.... go on..... coddle the life out of your fellow countrymen. This is exactly NOT the kind of attitude we want in Singaporeans. Life needs to be lived and bloody experienced. You think people cannot handle casinos? Why don't you do a little soul-searching yourself? Could it possibly be that you cannot handle it yourself? And therefore seek to impose your feeble empty-headed rationale on others? I think people should be GIVEN the opportunity to do a little sinning (or gambling).

Our current govt is going to do exactly as it sees fit. Sure, they'll have public debates and invite feedback from it's citizens. But I can tell you right now that they'll conclude that a casino is worth having, if only for the taxes alone. The SG govt is smarter than you credit it for (except for it's long term policies. I've seen some real fucking dozies) and they'll have a casino all right. I only hope they stand firm and try not to pander to everyone. That's not possible without looking like an idiot on the world stage.

My own personal view? Sure! Have the casino! Why not? Are we not a first world country? Can we not think for ourselves? (don't answer that. haha.) Shouldn't we have something that's entertaining? Can't we have something that's a little less sterile?

I say go for it!