6:13 am

Cunt Team Leader

To lead a team of people, you have to wear their shoes, show them you'll be willing to get your hands dirty, and prove to them by YOUR actions that you're on their side.

That's how you earn respect.

But CTL has not one fucking iota of a clue. How do I know?

CTL will always fucking be right, no matter how inept she is - she'll CC the entire fucking world when she's calling someone down with no proof. CTL will accuse you of sending reports to her in the wrong format, even though she doesn't have the fucking cow sense to open her fucking attachments with the right program. CTL will bitch to you about your dressing (but only to the women, mind!) even though she dresses like a fucktard conservative in clothes even MY OWN MOTHER, who's pushing 60, thinks is fugly. The list goes on, oh indeedy do.

Before I quit corporate, I was a department head. And I worked. I proved myself to my team. I earned the respect of every single staff member who had a direct or indirect report in to me. I could see it in their eyes. So I know what it'll take to make a good manager, let alone a team leader.

I think I might just kick CTL's fucking ass when I leave this place.