10:21 am

A dying breed

Chilvary is not a big thing in Singapore. As a matter of fact, I could rant about that peeve forever and we'd still have men here that flaunt behaviour that's been pulled out from their asses. Or women who equate being feminine with acting like whiny, simpering divas.

But I have
Nanny, my secret weapon to information on a dying breed. Granpop apparently was the epitome of chilvalry. The MasterChief is chivalrous. And now, for the clueless, a brief lesson on how to be chilvalrous. Yes, boys and girls, for both genders.

Besides, anyone who can end an article with .....

"The results will be worth the trouble. I promise. When a guy treats a girl like a princess in public, she’s more much more likely to be his whore in private. "

.... is worth reading, yes? Go forth and be enlightened. Or at least amused.

And yes, I do *cough* agree with that line of thinking.