4:14 pm

Singaporean bloggers

Well well well.
Looks like Singaporean bloggers have pooled their resources. Cool thing, great idea. I'd registered myself quickly; after all, why should I not support bloggers from my own country?

I do, however, have doubts about the strong Singlish usage. Granted, hordes of Singaporeans speak that way. But should we put it down on print?

I'm sure some local bloggers who come across this post will wonder about me. But let me tell you this :

When I first started working, I learnt the hard way that if I wanted to work with other Singaporeans, I had to sound like them. So I forced myself to listen to, and pick up, Singlish. Why? Because some people thought I was putting on an accent. Trying to "slang" it up. I have an Asian face, but I spoke perfect English. That was the problem. It didn't matter if I was Eurasian and that English IS my mother tongue.

So if I join the Singaporean bloggers, who use Singlish heavily on their blogs, will I be set upon again? Will I be irritated, as I am wont to, when people IM me in Singlish? I do use the occasional Singlish word, but that's quite quite rare.

Oh well. Into the fray I go.