8:03 pm

Star Wars Episode III

Went to see Star Wars E3 last night.

Weird evening.
I had stopped over to the Tampines Malls, had itchy feet and a restless soul. Called The Sister and turns out she was on her way home, headed in my direction. One thing lead to another and the schedule fitted perfectly! Dinner, some shopping, snack shopping (totally different and worthy of it's own category!) and then a movie. Stars Wars, no less.

I went around the mall going dunng dunng de dunng, dun de dunng, dun de dunng. Totally in a good mood. Flying high, being silly, irritating the shit out of my sisterv

And I had forgotten that the prequels were actually quite shitty.

SW E3 is the best of the lot. Definitely. But the plot jumps all over the place, the actors are all immaculate but cannot do a thing about the crappy, stilted script, and the first 15 minutes looked like something out of the Muppet Show. Says a lot about the first 2, eh?

I'm betting you'll see it for the same reasons I did - you've caught everything else, what's one more for the sake of completion?