6:49 pm

Anal and useless

I'm contracted out to an anal company. I swear to you - they're anal. Retentatively, psychotically, anal.

I was told off to-day for being late 6 times to-day. 6? I distinctly remember 2 occasions and to-day made the third. But 6? I give up.

In addition, we've been told to log in via the telephony system and open all applications within it's framework. But the system is, for lack of a better phrase, as useful as a soccer player's toe-jam. System hung three times on me yesterday, twice to-day.

Can you imagine if I'm taking calls non-stop? I wouldn't be able to check any data, retrieve any info, key any customer history, verify claim amounts, give policy holders cash values. Nada. Nothing. Zip. Ziltch. In 10 years of customer care environments, this is one of the worst systems I've seen in place. To check car claims alone there are 3 separate databases to access.

You know why we've been asked to use this useless system exclusively? Because they've submitted the gawddamned place for a call centre competition.

God help us.