12:20 am

Batman begins.....

..... with a rather interesting opening. All in all, film-worthy.

Christian Bale is rather good, I must say. I first noticed him in
Reign of Fire and he was hot then too. Heh. Not typically hollywood-tomcruise-prettyboy good looking. But intense, of firm character, obviously intelligent and with an interesting face.

Yeah, extremely appealing. :)

The movie, in itself, is a good story. Possibly a little slow in starting off, but then again, it seems to be the fashion these days to do pre-quels. And Batman had a whole wagonful of baggage he needed to work through. Expect the explosions to start only about midway through a 2 hour film.

Michael Caine is a darling, as always. Liam Neeson was a thrill and a treat to watch as a baddie, and Katie Holmes didn't turn out to be the bimbo I expected.

Go get your tickets. No, really..... Right. This. Moment.

I was going to post a link to a Katie Holmes URL but the first link I clicked on hung my browser. Gawddanggit. That tells me something, it does!