8:46 pm


This is beyond weird - married men earn more if their wives were home-makers?

"Academics Elena Bardasi and Mark Taylor found that a married man whose wife does not go out to work but is primarily responsible for the cooking and cleaning earns about 3 percent more than comparably employed single men."

Hey! If I had a man that really earned emough to keep me and him happy, then yes! I don't think I'd have a problem doing housework. But I'd better clarify - clean and neat enough to welcome a man home? Sure! But clean enough to eat your dinner off the floor?

Thank god the MasterChief isn't THAT absurd.


Doug The Una said...

My professors used to pound into my head "Correlation is not causation." It sort of makes sense to me that more a man earns the more likely their wife is to decide to stay home. Or maybe I should get married to a wallflower.

Anonymous said...

that's weird.

carrie said...

i agree with doug.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

i thought it was weird too. on top of that - the percentage (3%) increase is pretty small.

oh well.