10:23 pm

Madness II

The few Aussies I know of personally are outstanding people : thoughtful, considerate, well-mannered and yet down to earth, intelligent, funny and responsible. And yet, when one of their girls gets caught with drugs in her bag, the country goes wild and hysteria reigns.

So when prominent people finally
speak out against that hysteria, I'm fairly relieved. When you travel, your bags are your own.

"..... Commercial radio personality Derryn Hinch put it more bluntly. "Why has it become a national issue? I know why. Doe-eyed, pretty, white, Australian, female with big boobs," Hinch wrote on his official website...... "

Moral of the story? If you travel and are stupid enough to leave your bags unattended, foolish enough to not lock your bags, then you deserve whatever's coming to you. Anything else and you're like those morons who point an accusing finger at everyone else but themselves.

And in the light of relevations that Corby's family has a long history of drug usage and criminal histories, I wonder how much of an act is she putting on. Read the old articles for yourself.

No, I don't have much sympathy for her.