9:12 pm

Rape - it's not ok


The 14 men who were acquitted for the revenge (gang) rape of a woman, whose only crime was having a brother seen walking with a woman from another village, have been
denied their chance of victory. Unfortunately, it's only a drop in the ocean. There are whole communities in Pakistan that still condone (nay, encourage!) revenge rapes.

"..... Critics of Pakistan's judicial and social systems say the Mukhtar Mai case is an example of appalling treatment often handed out to women, particularly in feudal, rural areas. President Musharraf says the case is not representative. "We are no worse than any other developing country," he said earlier this month during a tour of New Zealand..... "

No worse than any other developing country? Are you sure? Because Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia sure don't have this problem. And they're as 3rd world as they come. Indonesia and the Philippines may be two crack-pot countries but they don't view sexual crimes against women as normal either. They do, however, have their own problems but that's another story.

I think Pakistan's on par with South Africa, the rape capital of the world. A place where rapes are so epidemic, so expected, that a device has been developed to protect women going about their god-given daily lives.

President Musharraf, think through your words again, you bigoted idiot.