12:30 am

Damn the dirt

The office is gearing up for the Singapore Quality Class accredition audit and they've decided to refurnish the damned place. With us in it.Right next to me, they tore down 4 officer spaces. And last Sat, when I went in to do overtime, I had to endure the smell of varnish for 7 hours straight. Just damn!!

We're supposed to be a co-op..... where the hell do we have money for that 40 inch plasma screen now sitting pretty in the reception area? And why are we doing major refurnishment? With staff still around?

I left the office with red, itchy skin from all the dust and dirt raised by the contractors. I don't use any make up at all, day to day. And after my bath.....

Argh! Look what I found! A bump that's now permanent! Look at that fucker! I have, like ONE pimple a year. And now I have numerous small bumps from my skin's reaction, and a huge mountain that shall be slathered with cold cream in a valiant attempt to keep the bugger from growing.

Am I pissed? Will I be wearing make-up tomorrow to keep my skin from coming into contact with all that floating crap?

HELL yes.


Sparkling said...

Don't you have employee health and safety in your "co-op"?

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Yes we do. I just have ultra sensitive skin. :o