2:42 am


Time for an up-date on my blog roll.

IbeJO - no more blog; just a bunch of photos now. James, I truely am sorry to see your blog gone. You were hilarious! I'll miss your posts and g'luck with your work.
MrBrown - who just became too mainstream
The P.R. of Seabrook - who just became too political, although the pics of the kitties are still wonderful. Just too few and far between for me to want to keep visiting.

MartianAnthropologist - who had the courage to link me. (Dude, are you sure? heh.)

Long overdue

I've visited these guys for a while now but just never got around to adding.
Blog d'Ellison and enrevanche - interesting mix of posts on both. Plus gorgrous photographs of their kitties. Oh my. Oh yes.
Greg's World for his sense of humour (the sometimes sick and twisted kind).

Right - house announcements are over. On with the programme!


Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks for great articles and blogroll links. I was very impressed and amazed by the photos in IbeJO's gallery. (Amazing photographer....)

I just started a site to talk about the "lighter" side of opening a restaurant. SAP Developer by day, restaurant owner/manager by night.

Nice meeting you Fiona!

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Bandy? SAP developer?
Heh, brings a tear to my eye - I did SAPHHIRE one year, a long time ago, and remember busting my ass over the conference.

Martian Anthropologist said...

Of course I'm sure about linking to you... I did it because you're a hottie! Er, I mean, I linked to you because of your insightful writing and witty banter.


Just being funny of course. Thanks for the link. I'll keep reading your blog!

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

MA - more than welcome!

Apparently I'm not the only one who enjoyed your blog. enrevanche linked you too!

go on, share the love ;P

Greg said...

Hey Fiona thanks for linking me. Sick and twisted Me ?? I thought I was normal. :)
I like reading your blog will add you to my blog list.

Peace ,Greg

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

hahaha. Greg! You ARE normal..... my kind of normal!