11:10 am


So. For the last 2 days I have been trying to fight off the flu bug.

Ventilation in the office is poor - what's new? Co-workers thinking it's heroic to come to work whilst shedding germs for all their worth - no, not new either. Cold tablets that work? ah HA! That IS new!

Last night I had the sniffles so bad that in about 2 hours, I'd accumulated a small mountain of scumpled tissues. Bloody nose was like a damned tap that refused to shut off. Feeling poorly, to say the least. The Sister hands over 2 tabs of a cold tablet which I took just before I slept.

Woke up the next morning with nose intact. Slept like a babe. Didn't even wake up to blow my nose. Wow. I'm amazed. But I also feel a little light-headed. y'know, like when you're really ill and they bring out the Big Gun medicine and dose you solid?

Yeah, turns out the cold tablets were DESIGNER cold tablets and I was only supposed to take one. heh!