10:11 pm

Good news

Good news all around.

Managed to hit, for the first time, my pre-set target of 150 emails a day. It's a ridiculous target given by management, considering
(i) call centre target is only 90 received calls
(ii) you have to THINK before you type the words, since customer will hold you to a damned black-and-white
(iii) people who have the time to draft and send an email tend to ask stupid questions which require more thought than a "what time do you close" question posed over the phone.
I made it, but my brain feels like a fucking melon. All liquid, all pithy, and totally empty in every other respect.

Which was why I went to catch
Land of the Dead after work. w00t! Zombie Movie! I was brain dead, so were these guys, it was fate, I'm telling you. Damned good stuff.

And to round up the evening? A call from my MasterChief. Joy! Glee! I get to see him soon - he called to confirm the date. And I, woman that I am, HAD to tell him about my

I hope I made his night :)