12:57 pm

Of love and sample size

Ah so, we have 9 different types of love?

(1) Trust, recognition and support

- described as the "central story of love in our culture"
(2) Cupid's arrow

- love rooted in the physical attraction
(3) Hedonistic love

- little more than the pleasant and hedonistic feelings of excitement
(4) Love as ultimate connection and profound feeling

- a belief that love is the most profound of human feelings
(5) Demythologised love

- the romantic myth of love is rejected in favour of hard work and compromise
(6) Love as transformative adventure

- unpredictable love which can bring pleasure but can easily go wrong
(7) From Cupid's arrow to role-bound relationship

- love begins as an uncontrollable passion before the couple settle down
(8) From Cupid's arrow to friendship

- initial intense feelings give way over time to a relationship based friendship
(9) Dyadic-partnership love - involves "the merging of two people" where both partners put their relationship before their own individual needs

"Fifty people took part in the survey. Researchers said the most dominant view was that love should be based upon mutual trust, recognition and support."

Eh? Sorry? Say again? Sample size 50? How representative would THAT group have been, then?


Anonymous said...

How interesting. I've never thought of love in many of those forms.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

might want to think about taking thw 9 types with a pinch of salt :o their sample size leaves a lot to be desired of.....