10:59 pm


Is it just me, or is it open warfare between Finance and every other single operating department?

Every firm I've worked with - there's always been this You-Finance-Me-Ops division. Sometimes it's You-HR-Me-Ops, but the line's always drawn. I've only encountered one HR department that . That cared, that made an effort, that pulled their own weight and surprisingly, it was with the hotel. But every other place.... holy crap, you were lucky if they tracked your employee matters carefully.

Here? I have customers chasing me until we BOTH turn blue. And Finance cruises along, sucking in people's money, fucking up bank deductions (both wrong amounts AND wrong accounts) and generally having it's head stuck up it's arse. I've had a customer tell me to my face that my company is famous for making you pay up quick. And equally famous for making you wait if there was a claim and monis due to *you*.

What gives?