1:11 am


I am feeling old.

Not just because this guy just turned 24 (Happy Birthday
Rob!), and therefore making me a decade older. :)

But because of work.

Call centres usually have an atrocious attrition rate. The staff turn over is incredibly high. As bad as, or worse, than the hotel industry, unfortunately. I have only been with this particular section since Dec2005, but with so many new faces all the time, I find myself answering their queries when they're flung off the 100-story pier into the 100 mile ocean beneath. Yes, thrown off the deep end but far far worse.

Yes, ok, I used to run my OWN telemarketing teams, so I have a bit of a leg-up in that sense. But the product knowledge required is ridiculous. On paper, the training schedule looks marvelous.
Mahverlus, dah-ling.
In reality, apaprently we have newbies quitting after their first day on the job. Every single batch of newbies seems to have one. And I really feel for them.

Wish I could help more.


Rich | Championable said...

Dude. You run a call center? For what?

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

I think that's the first time anyone has called me Dude. lol. It feels..... strange.

Yes, I have always worked in contact centres. My foundation was in the tech industry, I only did FMCG 4 years ago.