9:21 pm

Good ending

Miserable day to-day.

Thought I had left the migraines behind when I quit corporate. All seemed nice. All seemed dandy. Until yesterday. Damned thing built up yesterday, thought it would pass, then woke up this morning in pain. Damned polyclinic gave me the equivalent of panadol, which doesn't work; so I came back home, scrounged around and found my old painkillers. My own personal narcotic cocktail, which was the only thing that worked.

Had to take the whole set twice because I couldn't hold anything down. But the meds sunk in at last and I reported for work in the afternoon.

Why do I mention all this at all? Because I'm feeling much, much better and
Barry has, once again, found something cool that made my day.

The Simpsons.
Live. Hilarious!!


Barry said...


So glad that you found the Simpsons clip amusing; so bummed to hear about the migraines.

Have you tried Imitrex by any chance? (It may be sold by another name in Singapore; the generic name for the drug is sumatriptan succinate, and it is marketed by GlaxoSmithKline in the US.)

A friend swears by this stuff... it knocks his migraines down and out in under an hour, and is non-narcotic.