4:10 pm

Worlds best dad.

This is just horrific.

"Dad forgot baby was in the car, parked the car, got on the Metro," said Lucille Baur, a spokeswoman for the Montgomery County, Md., Police Department. "I don't know exactly when he got the memory flash, but he was in D.C. when it was the horrible defining moment, 'Oh my goodness, I think I've left my child back in my car,'" Baur said.

At that point, she said, Jonathan Sander got off the southbound train and onto a northbound one, returning to the Shady Grove Metrorail station about 12 miles north of

What is wrong with you, Sander? Your child as inconsequential as your keys? I can understand leaving behind your newspapers, or your lunch, or something.... but your child?

Bet his wife had something to say to him when he returned home.


Greg said...

Believe me it can happen quicker then you think. I have never forgotten my kid like that but I have forgotten to pack lunches for school or forgotten to make sure they were wearing gloves and hats.
I guess when you get stressed in life and start worrying about other things you forget that them little ones are always counting on ya.You are right I can imagine his wife probably wanted to kill him. I know how my wife acts when I screw up a simple task concerning the children.


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Oh Greg, I can understand smaller things. But I'm sure you've neveer forgotten a child! :o

Rich | Championable said...

I left one of my kids in my other kid's nursery school class once. I was walking out the door when one of the teachers said "Hey, Rich. Forget something?"

It's crazy, but it can happen.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...


Rich, all i can say is... oh dear!!! lol.