12:50 am

Blogrool update!

I have been incredibly remiss.

There are a few blogs I have found myself going to on a nearly daily basis. And I'm there for a reason :) Blogroll up-date so that when I surf in the office, I don't have to scratch my head for their URLs. Plus I suspect you might enjoy them too.

The Blog is run by Cube and the man up-dates once a day. Usually almost every day. But some of them are classics.

Animal Family has been fantastically therapeutic. She shoots wonderful pictures of her animals and her comments can be quite funny. I've been a regular for a few weeks now and crap, I'm hooked! Welcome aboard, Toots!

Decadently is from a woman who swears. A woman who's as testy as I am. Need I say more?

WaiterRant seems to be one of those blogs with a huge following. I can see why. Great insights from a man who, also, quit corproate. However, I don't think I'll ever be as huge as this man. Heh. He *doesn't* swear but he gives a good read.

Welcome aboard, guys.

PS StripCity was a window into one of my pet fascinations. Strippers. I've always been fascinated with the "underbelly" of society and Mic's got the insider's viewpoint down pat. UPDATE 18 APRIL. StripCity seems to have disappeared. To be replaced by a spammer's dream on loans.

Hey Mic, if you're reading this, get in touch, 'k?


Greg said...

I think you link for strip city has changed.


animalfamily said...

i so love it when my ego stroked. purr...

and that much i know, never mess with the waiter.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Hi Greg, yes saw the link and new "new" website. A real pity because his blog was education and hilarious, with porn thrown in. lol.

Toots! Love your site, just sorry it me so damned long to add you :)