Back. And feeling bloody good.
Wandered of to Parkway Parade, where the mall was supposed to be having an anniversary sale. Fuck me, they were. And crazy Singaporeans were queueing for their goodie bag. And let me tell you, what a frickin' queue. About 200 to 300 people queued for their chance to grab a goodie bag of sorts. The queue snaked so long, and for so far, that those who were in the front were seated on the ground. I would never do that. I have better things to do with my time.
Found the outdoor goods shop, found the haversack I wanted, plus it was on sale. w00t! Needless to say, it was grab and go. Mission objective achieved.
Man, the crowds were bad. Like a bloody warzone. Bernie and I were on the phone on and off, trying to match schedules to meet for dinner. By the time we were confirmed, I had fought my way out of the mall and didn't realize it, until she told me. You're panting, Fi!! Holy shit.
But dinner was good. Charlie's Corner was closed, we made do with the Le Meridien around the corner. We idly spoke about there being a reason for everything that happened. And yes, there was! Bumped into an old old acquaintance from the Shangi-La. G had left the Shang and joined the Intercontinental, pulled along by his manager. And lo and behold! There he was at the Le Meridien, the new F&B Mgr. Congratulations, G! It was wonderful to see an old face.
Yes, everything happens for a reason. Always believed it but it'd never happened so clearly before. God's mysterious ways at work. *chuckles*
I'm a believer!
Natural introvert, learned extrovert.
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- Fiona Kathleen Hogan
- Testy, cynical and Eurasian. I won't play well with you if you have no bloody common sense. All comments & emails sent me become fodder for my blog.
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10:53 pm
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your mall sounds as hectic as mine is during a sale of at christmas time!
Hi Tinker.
Singaporeans are notorious shoppers and will go through anything just for a freebie.
It's terrible!
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