12:21 am


I am sorry to say that Ultraviolet didn't live up to the hype.

Apart from Milla Jovovich, who looks like she hasn't aged a bit and is a gorgeous as ever, we're looking at a movie that was quite over the top - one blurred action sequence after another, with nothing quite making sense.

It's not even weekend fluff material.

Here, let me show me one comment from someone else who watched the movie :

I'm going to go set a camera on record, then throw it into a cement sidewalk. This would result in a film that is 10 times better than Ultraviolet. I honestly cannot recall a worse movie. I would have rather watched care bears with my parents. The film does not seem to contain anything that resembles a storyline. We begin right in a poorly animated action sequence that makes absolutely no sense, then continue watching more poorly animated ridiculous scenes for the next hour and a half. To say the acting was horrible would be an understatement. After hearing the infamous trailer line "Are you Mental?", I am also fairly confident the script writer is a five year old with ADD.

Whilst my sentiments are not quite as vitrolic, I'd say the movie's a huge dud.


Anonymous said...

aww bummer - i was totally looking forward to the movie too...now i might leave it as a rental!

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

suki - I may not even get the DVD. And I'm a huge scifi/fantasy fan!

Greg said...

Well I guess I can wait 'till it is on the movie channel.


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

heh. Good idea, Greg....

Johnny Wadd said...

After the first 15 minutes of Ultraviolet i was wondering what i was thinking buying a ticket to this crapfest. I witnessed an older couple actually walk out. I just tried to stare as hard as i could at mila and block out everything else.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Mic, you and me both!