12:14 pm


At work.
Grouchy and tired.

And fed up with Singaporeans in general. Just because you say please and thank you does not make you polite. It's how you frickin' carry yourself. And if you hang up on me just because I am saying goodbye....

Yeah, it's all superficial and you still have the manners of your fishermen forefathers.

Now home, fed, and will be buggering off to bed soon as tomorrow's shift starts at 7AM. But y'know what's so damned ironic? I was activated because a certain campaign kicked off and the manpower planning by the dept concerned was seriously fucked up. (I'd give you the stats but you wouldn't believe it.)

To-day? I answered calls, yes. But not a single one was related to said campaign. How's that for irony?


duwbryd said...

Don't worry, don't let it get to you sweetheart. It's not just Singapore, it's everywhere. It's human nature to be polite. Yes, sometime even when we don't mean it.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

ach, duwbryd, I supposed you're correct. Singaporeans don't have a monopoly on being rude. Heh!