10:43 pm

Lessons in love

Logged on in my never-ending quest to see if the MasterChief had sent email.

Was picked up by a frickin' 25 year old.

A twenty five year old, who thought he was all that.
Whose handle was DELICIOUS DIMPLE.
You read that right.

And this is how he greeted me : Beauty as such as yours has only made me realize what perfection truly is! Holy shit, I wonder how long he took to compose that single line. Does he realise how trite it sounds? How many gazillion women did he feed that line to? And besides, it's grammatically incorrect and is missing punctuation marks.
Needless to say, I wasn't very impressed, told him so, and wanna-be-cassanova sulked off into the night.

Dudes, when you try and tackle a woman 10 years older than you, make sure you're in the right mental category. Older women tend to be fairly frank in how they see things and sometimes.... well..... let's just say you can learn a lot. If you approach them correctly. And if you approach them incorrectly?

At least I was diplomatic enough. I didn't laugh, yes?


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Ach, Greg.
It was hilarious, let me tell you :)

Trevor, if you found a teacher, then you were one of the lucky ones! I had my own and damn! I learnt a shitload of stuff. About life, love, work, career and sex. I wish everyone had a teacher like that!

Elisson said...

The punctuation's OK, but how lame can you get?

Ah, well. Hope springs eternal...

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Hi Elisson, it was lame enough to share.... just for shits and giggles. :)