Sex, my pet peeve when it comes to Asian women.
It isn't a dirty word, it isn't a job you have to do, and it's supposed to enhance and better your relationships. But deeply ingrained behaviourial habits and mindsets cannot be changed by a single woman.
The survey published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior looked at how they viewed their sex lives, their health, and their happiness.
It found that a greater proportion of people in Europe, North America, and Australia, where men and women have more or less equal relations, enjoyed sex physically and
..... Most of those surveyed at random were married, though there was an obvious bias toward participants who were willing to talk about sex, and toward urban populations in less-developed nations.
"Pleasure is not part of the story" in sexually conservative cultures in the Far East -- China, Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand, Laumann said. "Procreation is the rationale for sex. Many women ... characterize sex as dirty, as a duty, something they endure" -- and often stop having it after age 50.But roughly two-thirds of adults in Western nations reported their sex lives were
very to extremely satisfying.
That's the phrase I am concerned about. "more or less equal relations" You'd be hard pressed to believe it but there are modern, educated women in my country who still believe they belong in the kitchen. There are modern educated men who expect it of their spouses. But that is a whole 'nother issue, seperate pet peeve, and meant for a different post.
This one is about sex. About self awareness. About the right for every woman to achieve orgasms. With an "s". And you may scoff at this, but truly : if it is your duty to bear children, where does pleasure fit in?
So where does equal relations fit in? It fits your desires right up there, along with the man's, for pleasure.
I have been told of women in their late 30s and early 40s. Successful in their career. But never had a boyfriend before. I have an Aunt, in her early 50s, and I know for a fact that SHE has never been married nor had a boyfriend.
Sex is a good thing.
Cements the intimacy between a couple. Builds a tight bond. You share secrets that only the 2 of you will ever know about each other's bodies. Sex is good. No! Make that great!
Flip side? If you want go out and fuck anything that moves... well then, you're on your own. I'm defintiely not encouraging that, eh?
PS, found the BBC version of the article.
More diplomatically worded; same conclusion though.
I read this article today myself. I was not aware that asian woman were brought up like that. I was aware woman of the islamic faith had it hard but it shocked me kinda when I saw Japan, thailand, and China on there. I would have thought that the woman were more liberated.
At least you have broken those bonds and enjoy your sexual life. I can't talk for all western men but I think for most of us it is important that our partner is enjoying the sex as much as we are.
It's the Asian conservatism, Greg. Alas, but it's keeping a lot of women from the pleasures of life, literally.
And the men don't help either, but claiming it as their marital *right*.
Muslim women have it hard because they get circumsized. But non-muslims, in general, don't really have a great sex life either!
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