9:28 pm


*small sigh*
Dammit, another priest.
Talk about the church
under seige.

Police arrested Torres after being tipped off by the victim's mother, and finding him covered in bruises. The mother said the pair had been in a relationship for years, since they first met when Ms Salinas was 13. They had a daughter 18 months ago.

Ms Salinas apparently called on Torres after Mass at the Sacred Heart of Jesus church in Nezahualcoyotl, on the eastern outskirts of Mexico City, said the attorney general of Mexico state, Abel Villicana. According to one unconfirmed account, Ms Salinas had told Torres she was pregnant and had demanded money.

During the fight Torres strangled and killed the woman, then dragged her body to a bathroom where he used a kitchen knife to cut off her head and cut her body to pieces, according to his confession. He put the pieces in plastic bags and drove them to a municipal cemetery in Chimalhuacan, where he dumped them

That's right. Torres was a priest. And he murdered someone after saying Mass for his congregation. Plus, despite his vows and oaths, he's been having a relationship with this woman for years. And there was a child.

Sure, priests are human. People make mistakes. But a relationship that went on for a very long time and culminating in their child being born born isn't a mistake. Mistakes are rectified. This wasn't.

Catholics are having their faith tested, I tell you.