5:48 pm


Well now, voting's all done on my part.

We'll get the news well into the evening, after polling closes at 8PM to-day. I think it's a forgone conclusion - ruling party, PAP, will win the majority. Even the opposition parties aren't talking about winning back wards. They're talking about gaining a "respectable percentage" of the votes.

A pity- my generation is ready for a change. The PAP wins, hands down, with the heartlanders, the blue collar workers. But that's a dying (literally) demographic and all we need are worthy candidates to present themselves. They would be voted for in a heartbeat. A heartbeat, I tell you.

Having said that, I wonder how many will vote opposition anyways? Thinking the PAP will win, so thinking their one harmless vote won't count. How many? Adding up to enough? What happens if it comes true?

Out for dinner. I'll find out when I return tonight.