1:13 am

No change.

Well, it's done. No fuss, no muss.The PAP back in power.

Nary a news sighting, globally, and that's ok. Singapore's well known for being stable, reliable and predictable. We're boring, but we're OK. News wise, there are
brief mentions of the election (none before tonight) and apart from that, life goes on. Business goes on. Because that's what businesses like, eh? No blip. Smooth sailing. Not to be affected.

But I'll tell you what the articles won't be permitted to mention. The percentages. Opposition has won only 2 out of 84 parlimentarty seats. But there margins were higher than ever = PAP losing popularity. Not a hefty margin so it might be a blip?

Nope. Not so. Some Wards saw the PAP lose their margins from about 80% to about 60%. Now THAT is a lot. Put that together with the increased margins.

Now look at statistics. 45 out of 47 seats in parliment. The remaining 37 seats were not contested. Note that out of all valid votes cast, the PAP only took in 66% as a majority. Jimmie said something the other day, and I think they're right. The opposition doesn't have enough manpower. If they were allowed equal resources, I don't think the PAP would have such a "resounding" victory.

This is armchair politics, I know. But I really cannot shake off the feeling that we're ready for a change.

Perhaps the next elections, though.