8:10 pm

Shiny! New! Things!

Heh. I'm totally with this man.

Nathan Bales represents a troubling trend for cellular phone carriers. The Kansas City-area countertop installer recently traded in a number of feature-laden phones for a stripped-down model. He said he didn't like using them to surf the Internet, rarely took pictures with them and couldn't stand scrolling through seemingly endless menus to get the functions to work.

"I want a phone that is tough and easy to use," said Bales, 30. "I don't want to listen to music with it. I'm not a cyber-savvy guy."

I have resisted bluetooth headsets, digicams, latest software versions, MP3s and what have you. I am a technical Neanderthal. Yes, my fingers do twitch a tad when I see shiny new things in the store shelves. But when I make my second trip to the store to view said item again, I always ask myself Will you use it? And use it often? And usually the answer is no.

No, I don't need to splurge because it looks cool and hip. No, I won't flash it around just because. I don't desire to have the newest, the flashiest, the funkiest. I cannot fathom why people need to change their cell phones every 6 months. What I have works fine. I'm holding on to an old Nokia 750i (I think) and it serves it's purpose just fine.

But the lust for new shiny things still lingers. Heh.


Anonymous said...

Damn! You got a cell phone?

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

JimBob, me and the rest of the western world ;P