2:05 am

Tempted once again

All my life, I've tended to avoid fast food.
With the exceptions of BK and Subway, fast food was a no no.

Apparently, that has changed.
*wry grin*
Working here has gotten me into
McDonald's fries again. Especially during the late shifts. Surprisingly, I have lost weight, inspite of it all. But I suspect that's rather because I have the time to do my walkies again, not because of anything else.

Did anyone else see
Super Size Me? What a great expose. And what a joy to see MickyD go in to panic mode. Now they have some semblance of normal food but really, the burgers have gotten from bad to worse. The last time I had their breakfast, and the last Big Mac I chomped on, the patties tasted like nothing so much as cardboard. No, really. It was what I imagined cardboard would have been like. Educational, yes?

At least the fries are still good. Heh,