1:27 am

World cup - home territory

Hah! guessed as much.
Can't blame
them either.
A month mired in bedlam, drunken singing, madmen all.

Pollster Emnid found 49 percent of the 1,008 questioned said the "commotion" about the World Cup was getting on their nerves. The same number said the prospect of transport chaos and cordoned-off areas in the capital filled them "with horror".

However, the survey, published by the Berliner Morgenpost daily, showed 53 percent of residents agreed with a statement that they were "looking forward to the World Cup matches".

You have to admit, though... the World Cup! Manical fans in a crowded stadium! The electric shivers just by being there! I get goosebumps just thinking of the atmosphere. But the logistics of hosting?

Ay, that's a nighmare, right enough.


Johnny Wadd said...

Go England!

Anonymous said...


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

What? Could it be? Footie fans on my hands! :)

I personally favour both teams... the brits AND the yanks. What I don't like is South American soccer.

It's a game, not a theatre stage!