9:42 pm


I needed a quiet day at work.

Sat hunched over at my seat, letting the painkillers do their work. Cramps are shitty things and whilst I can function normally, with nary a signal that I'm in pain, that's a terrible thing to do and act through. In the good'ol corporate days, I had a job to do, a team to lead, clients to see, projects to manage and deadlines to meet. Yeah, those were the days. Not.

I sat down at work to-day and silently asked for peace and quiet : good callers, no mad influx & peaks, and sedate colleagues around me.

I got everything I needed and more : no stupid, irate callers, very manageable volume, department meeting which, ok, I had to do minutes but hey! people used to do minutes for me, so fair's fair. I just had to sit quietly in the corner for 2 hours. Day quickly came to a swift and quiet end. Made it. Late shift tomorrow so's I can sleep in. Wahey! I am truly grateful for the little mercies in life.

Thank you.