6:24 pm

It's a'comin'

World cup, baby..... WORLD CUP!

I normally root for France and England, but in recent years, I've also begun rooting for the USA team. I don't like the South American style of play, prefering long-ball play. And I detest the dramatics that accompany some teams. The game is dramatic enough, at times, without play-acting, you morons.

But I digress.

This year, my teams will be France, England, USA. If anyone goes down, my attention will then be divided between the remaining 2. Doubtful any of the 3 will actually win the tournement. But it'd be exciting to watch them get, at least, into the semis or... dare I hope, the finals?

We're being suckered into payment, because free to air is no longer showing matches except for a miserable few. But I volunteered to pay for it anyways. World Cup? Once in four years? It's not a huge amount. Why not?

Aw yeah. June 9th. Akan datang!


Johnny Wadd said...

Go England Go!

Immodesty Blaze said...

I disagree! It's so wrong to have to pay for it. If they took it off free to air here (as they did with the cricket) I think a lot of people would be very pissed off!

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Hey Johnny,
I see we have similar tastes!

J's GGF, free to air is chockablock with stupid commercials. It's what pays the bills. So I really don't mind paying a little for premium cable.