8:02 pm

No sex!

I thought this was absolutely fascinating!

The orchid defies gravity to twist the male part of its flower into the necessary shape to fertilize the female one, a team led by LaiQuang Huang of Tsinghua University found.....

.....The orchid produces no scent or nectar, and the researchers did not see a single instance of pollination by an insect or by wind. Instead, the pollen-bearing anther uncovers itself and rotates into a suitable position to insert into the stigma cavity, where fertilization takes place.....

.....This sexual relationship is so exclusive that flowers do not even transfer pollen to other flowers on the same plant, researchers found.

How cool is that?
Mother Nature has taken out all false hopes (sex), all the competition, and it's just straight forward, relentless reproduction.

I wonder if humans will ever get that way?