10:20 pm

Post worthy?

StatCounter showed me one thing this evening.
Someone actually trawled my blog and posted a piece I'd written up on their
opinions section. And it feels weird. :o

Blogging has become a hobby. First started off as a substitute because I couldn't play my favourite version of Command and Conquer on my PC anymore, it quickly became a compulsive hobby. There are, like, 9 regular readers. Possibly less. lol. But I like to see who surfs by, where they come from, and my favourite.... phrases searched for. And I use my spot to vent. But I digress.

Other opinions, on other topics, were from the local papers, true journalists (for Singapore) and probably respected writers in their own field. It felt.... strange.... to see my name up there with theirs. Like I had deliberately written a piece for submission. When it's really my 2 cents worth on a topic I found interesting.

Oh well, my 15 seconds of fame. Next!


Johnny Wadd said...

Someone has been liberally quoting my blog lately as well, sometimes with credit and sometimes not. It does feel kinda funny. Oh well, i've been known rip a few things too, so i cant really get mad.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Hey Johnny,
If someone is ripping off your text, it's not funny.

Quoting is one thing, profiling or showcasing is another.

Plagiarism is in a category on it's own and should be stopped.