1:12 am

You can't run, you can't hide.

If I ever hear a complaint from anyone that their company is snooping on their email, I am going to slap them silly.

It's company property and you know damned well it's not your personal space. Why else do you sneak a surf? Try and erase the cookies? Delete the histories? Eh?

One idiot I worked with (briefly, thank god) was a whiney bitch. Literally. Flaming diva, who used to brag about his American boyfriend who was going to pay for his trip to the US. Didn't love him, complained about how he would have to let him fuck'im, admitted later - when I asked him point blank - that it was for the money.

And because we were working the overnight shift, we would surf. But he was stupid enough to download gay porn. And because this is a financial services comapny, IT policies were strict enough that all downloads are monitered. Naturally, he got his ass hauled up for it. He learnt the hard way that you can't hide your tracks when it comes to IT.

Make sure you don't do anything you'll be embarressed about later.


Ken Albin said...

Amen. Some people simply have no common sense!

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Hi Ken,
Alas, that is so damned true.
Common sense is, alarminging, not too common these days.