Ah, ok.... Something worked. For some reason, the bumboat picture refuses to load. Oh well. You can view this stubborn picture below this post.
Long day today. I'm tired out, I'm telling you....
Popped by office at noon becuse bloody employment agency doesn't have my originals. Had to pick up my originals and deliver'em to the branch office a block away. But that wasn't the worst!
Next, it was off for lunch, which I savoured and took my time about. No rushy lunch breaks to-day, thank you! After which I stretched out in a near-empty theatre for an afternoon screening of Pirates 2. Bliss! No idiot kids kicking the back of my seat! Then an hour trudging the malls with intention to purchase (can anything else quake a man in his shoes than a woman intent on shopping? lol) but with nothing worth buying.
In the face of this miserable prospect, I buggered off to Swensen's for a double scoop of Sticky Chewy Chocolate drenched in hot fudge and coffee.
What? I'm on leave. It's my birthday month. The shopping was pointless. Hence the tiredness. lol. To-day was a day to treat myself! The tattoo won't count. It's next week and it will *hurt*.
But I digress.....
Day didn't end there, oh no. It was off to Changi Beach again in the evening. It may be a Friday, but it was fairly early, and I like getting to the beach in time for the sunset. Besides, I have my favourite spot. From where I was, it's normally pretty good viewing.
Some sort of clubhouse on my left. But what a great location - just perched right on the water's edge. And right smack at the entrance of the waterway too. What I wouldn't give to wake up to waves lapping the base of my house :)
Looked around me. All nice and pretty. Calm and tranquil. Out on this spot it's quite possible to feel as if you're the only person in the world.
Alas, the view right in front should have been the best but there was a huge cloud bank that just obscured everything.
I looked down and pondered on my options.Haha - cheeky I know, but those are the breaks. You'll live!
Since I wasn't going to have my sunset, I headed out onto the sands.Those barely-there imprints are mine, on the right. I couldn't help but compare them to the ones on the left....... so deep, so imprinted, so gouged out! I suspect a hard-core jogger on the wet sand because of the depth of the imprint, and the type of sole. But what a contrast, eh?
Walked the waterline. Light faded. There were more people out now. And I got my colour in the end!
I feel quite good, actually.
Beautiful pictures. They have me all relaxed now. The sunset was a really great shot post card perfect.
Glad you enjoyed the pics, Greg. It's one of my all-time fav places to get away to. Plus, I'm so close, it'd be a shame if I didn't visit often.
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