Yes, yes... dramatic is the perfect word.
APOD seems to always manage to keep me in thrall with views the comman man would never be privvy to.

Sometimes I wonder if it's my loss. That I'm in Singapore, on the equator, where everything is equal and we don't have anything to look at. No eclipses to watch, no storms to chase, no drastic weather changes to worry about.
But then again, I think of the flip side - Singapore's a very safe place. Consistant weather makes for easy planning. No teutonic plates means no worries about volcanoes or earthquakes. We're smack dab in the middle of a plate, large land masses all around means no tornadoes or hurricanes. We don't have to worry about things of this nature. We have a shitload of other worries, yes, but nothing that Mother Nature will throw at us.
Perhaps I should just enjoy my arm-chair view, eh?
Well I get to see this volcano that's supposed to be rated as one of the top active volcanoes in the world. It's about 20km away but it still looms up pretty damn big in my window. I'm half hoping that it erupts because its far away enough that I won't kenah anything from it but near enough that I can watch.
And the other day I felt a tremor in the morning. Had to decide whether to run or go back to sleep. I went back to sleep. Think I'm getting used to this place.
Hey Jimmie, Mt Merapi is dangerous. But I kinda envy you your window seat :))
No its not dangerous from where I live thankyouverymuch. But my teachers just told me that there's this psycho old man (EMPLOYED by the local government mind you) whose job is to stay within 3km of the volcano crater and perform traditional Javanese rituals there to appease the volcano gods or whatever so that they don't get pissed off.
AND.. you know they have naked people running around the streets in order to appease the volcano god dude? I read about it before I came here but didn't believe it until just the other day, I saw this dude, totally buck naked standing on the roadside. Wanted to take a picture but then I was afraid that he'd turn out to be some kinda psycho.
No Eclipses??
At 1.3 deg. North of the equator I'd think
you'd stand an excellent chance of seeing
On this page:
Under Strobel's Astronomy Notes
With the link Phases and Eclipses..
Seems you're scheduled for an annular solar eclipse in 2019 per this table...
Hey Jimmie, I read about the old man but... erm... cannot comment about the nekked people in the street :o
JimBob - a local uni's URL?
You're full of surprises.
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