Was off work to-day. A little headachy but nothing more sleep won't fix. It's that way with the shifts. The lack of sleep is a never-ending problem.
Had a big surprise though. Doc insisted on treating me for hypertension. I'm a little in shock, to be honest.
Quitting corporate 2 years back was the best decision I'd ever made. My migraines went away. That in itself is a huge huge blessing. My hair loss stopped. I still lose hairs like everyone else, and it'll take a while for the thickness to be restored, but no more massive clumps in the bathroom to scare the daylights out of me.
My periods actually became somewhat normal. I actually have some sort of a cycle now. It used to swing anywhere from 24 days to 62 and THAT was worrying. No more uterine spot bleeding, which I was also informed was due to stress.
I never yelled or took frustrations out on my staff. Prided myself on being able to handle stress well. Always polite and civil to anyone who spoke with me, including some people that deserved much much less. The long days and heavy work load was par for the course. But the body has ways to tell you it cannot cope and I listened. Eventually. And quit my line of work.
But I have tablets now for hypertension. And I'm STILL in a little bit of a shock.
I have hypertension running on both sides of the family. And apparently it can be hereditary. Despite my walkies, and inspite of a 16 kilo weight loss which I've managed to keep off, I am being treated for hypertension.
Granted, I am to take a half tablet every morning. Only a half tab. And the meds are only for 30 days. But still! What happens when I go back in about 2 weeks for some tests and find that the meds don't work? What happens if I have to take'em for the long term? It's a disease and if not managed, will cause my body a lot of severe long term damage.
Natural introvert, learned extrovert.
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- Fiona Kathleen Hogan
- Testy, cynical and Eurasian. I won't play well with you if you have no bloody common sense. All comments & emails sent me become fodder for my blog.
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5:50 pm
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Take your medicine Fiona. Hypertension is nothing to ignore !
Hey I hope you get it under control and you don't have to medicate for life. Maybe you should let your frustrations out on other people sometimes. Helps me keep my blood pressure and my nerves in check 'cause I let people know when they have pissed me off. After I get off my chest I feel better and the others can do the worrying. ;)
I prescribe walking and deep yoga breaths ! :)
Hey Paul, the walkies I hope to maintain. Must try them yoga breaths!
Hi Greg. True, need not medicate for life. But I've always thought of hypertension as a sort of old-persons disease, y'know?
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