6:13 pm

Ethical worrying

I have been thinking about this for a while.

Let's say you have colleagues who are really cool; and you enjoy their company. Then let's say you sit close by to these colleagues. And then you notice that they are consistantly and constantly using the office lines to talk to other colleagues. Not a lot, but a call or two a day becomes quite noticable.

I confess it bugs me.

It irks me that I work hard and fairly. Without slacking. And personal phone call time IS slacking. This is a call centre. If you're on the line, the call bounces to the next available line.

Yeah, it bugs me.

You know what's even more telling? My productivity level is about 40% more than theirs. I have noticed this for the last few weeks and yes. I am bugged.

Problem is, how do you tell a friend(s) off? Get your ass back to work so I don't have to cover for your shit? No, that's definitely not going to work. Speak to my own Team Leader? I could. But one or two are in my own team as well. Which makes it difficult.

Its been a while since I've been in this position. When I ran my own teams, I didn't have to worry. I'd ask you nicely, but it wouldn't be a request.

What would you do? What should *I* do?


Anonymous said...

Since you're not managing them, let it slide. Your productivity numbers will speak for themselves, and if your management has a clue, they'll figure it out. (The corollary to this is that if your management *doesn't* have a clue, nothing that you say is likely to make a difference.)

No payoff to ratting them out, but significant potential political downside.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Barry, I appreciate the comment. :)

It's something that also occured to me after I sat down and thought about this logically.

Downside is that the company doesn't really seem to be paying attention to the numbers.
Oh well.