12:04 am

Grow up!!

You're shocked?
It didn't occur to you that *gasp* perhaps
the world was watching?

This isn't your damned living room, you weren't talking amongest friends and you're not a next-door neighbour. You're the damned POPE. You're the head of the bloody Roman Catholic CHURCH. Where were your advisors?

And, of all things, you went and touched on Islam. I've read the articles that have sprouted in the last 48 hours. And I am decidely of the opnion that Benedict's lecture would have been equally platable without any undue references.

It doesn't matter if you were, or were not, quoted out of context. It doesn't matter if you stressed you were quoting. You know what maniacs the Islamic faith breeds. A small, but highly rabid group of maniacs.

A little more brains would be nice please!


Anonymous said...

Actually I thought it was immensely funny that some of the more extreme groups, in their rage, threatened to bomb the Vatican and burn down churches...

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Ach, Jimmie, they won't even get close.

But that was truly a stupid thing to say. it's given the fanatics even more "ammo" to use now!

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

hey Chaminda,
Ach, no.
I don't think it was deliberate either. But that's why I foudn it so silly. Sheer carelessness and now the world is starting to see the repercussions.

Hi Apoe,
Oh my, oh yes. The non malays in Singapore are always aware that we're a chinese country surrounded by islamic nations. It's taken into account when our Govt plans stuff. Open secret :o