1:33 am

So is he? Or isn't he?

Many Roman Catholics are taught that the Pope is infallible. Cannot be wrong. Must be heeded at all times. Here's the interesting thing : he's only infallible on certain occasions.

This, I don't recall, we were taught. And
the article on BBC News was very interesting to read.

Papal infallibility only comes into play with issues of faith that concern the whole Church. It doesn't apply when the Pope is expressing a personal opinion or, in this case, quoting from a historical text.

Papal infallibility was hotly debated for centuries within the Church after the notion that the Pope was the preserver of apostolic - derived from the apostles - truth, was set out in the early 6th Century. But according to Catholic historian Peter Stanford the word infallible wasn't used because it was believed only God could be infallible.

It wasn't until the 19th Century that moves were made for a formal acknowledgement that the Pope was faultless. In 1870, the First Vatican Council proclaimed that the Pope was infallible - but certain conditions were attached.

And such infallible proclamations are highly uncommon. According to papal historian Michael Walsh there has only been one occasion since the council proclamation when a pope has made an infallible statement.

In 1950, Pope Pius XII proclaimed the assumption of Mary into heaven as a dogma of faith.

Well well well.
Isn't that interesting?
There has been ONLY ONE instance of an infallible decree since 1870. That's amazing, considering how things were drummed into my head during cathecism classes when I was younger. It's this way. The Church says so.

Similarly, says Mr Walsh, papal teaching regarding contraception is not considered by many theologians as falling within the realms of papal infallibility.

Yeah. So. Does this mean that contraception is actually one man's viewpoint? I have very strong views on contraception that directly conflict with the Church's teachings. I'd like to talk to someone impartially and objectively on this but I doubt I'd find anyone like that. From any Church.

It's frustrating when you find out things like this.
I love God.
I just really can't stand the way the Church runs things.


Anonymous said...

The Pope is definitely worth listening too and I trust him whereas I do not trust mullahs or imams. :)

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Hi Paul.
True, in the sense that you can rely on the Church not to be incendiary. But sometimes both sides seem to be really distant from reality.