7:48 am

Teach them!

I first saw this article a day ago.
And I keep coming back to it.

Official figures showed that patients seeking medical help for sexually-transmitted infections in the 10-19 year age bracket more than doubled to 678 in 2005 from 256 in 2001, the Straits Times reported Saturday.

The age group's share of all such infections rose from 3.8 per cent in 2001 to 6.1 per cent last year, with more of them becoming infected with the HIV virus that often leads to full-blown AIDS.

It sucks when the Singaporean government maintains that STDs are the mainstay of gays. It sucks when people coddle their kids and pretend that sex doesn't exist. It sucks that school education doesn't teach responsibility. It sucks when PARENTS shirk their duties and leave their children to flounder in a sea of false information.

I've always believed education is crucial and that youth *will* be able to make a better decicion on whether to have sex or not IF they know what they're getting in to. Don't pretend they're little angels. Give them a grounding on the real world. The gift of knowledge in this case may help them more than all your moralistic preachings.

Because even angels get curious and tempted.